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Evaluating the Economic Viability of a Material Recovery System: The Case of Cathode Ray Tube Glass

The Journal of Environmental Science & Technology provides an independent study to track CRT Glass collection, processing, and trade across North America, Latin America, Asia, and Europe / Middle East. The study tracks historical trends from 1990 to predictions regarding the amount of CRT materials to be collected through 2025.

CRT glass cullet is expected to rise to nearly 1,200 tons by 2025. Supply of glass cullet is not expected to eclipse demand until 2015.

This paper present an analysis of the material recovery system for leaded glass from Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs) using a dynamic material flow analysis. In particular, the global mass flow of primary and secondary CRT glass and theoretical capacities for using secondary CRT glass to make new CRT glass.

old pc monitors
old pc monitors

Environmental, Health and Safety Policy


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